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Turning Leaders into Conscious Luminaries

By: Lisa M. Brazelton

The way we see, think and feel seem to be more tinted with new colors from the divine artist's palette, where light shines on the darkness of dysfunction, and illuminates the connective web we all embody. The changes we experience in our current landscape also changes the way we do business, see commerce, and lead our organizations.

Leaders have been given an incredible opportunity to be a living example of how to lead teams and organizations by and being in concert with, rather than in conflict with each other. And because most leaders are positioned to influence others, it is critical to envelop change and be greater than unforeseen circumstances. But are leaders stepping up to the plate? Now more than ever, leaders need to become a beacon of light, a conscious leader; a Conscious Luminary.

What is a Conscious Luminary?

Whether you are a leader of a company, a team, or a family, being a Conscious Luminary requires mastering thy self.

In a time when we are consistently experiencing deep changes, the journey into self-mastery is needed now more than ever to lead with empathy, balance, creativity, and purpose.

Self-mastery is the intricate weave of emotional intelligence, deep intuition, and surrender. It requires absolute presence through detached observation. It can only be achieved through the continual discernment between destiny and programmed beliefs, between right soul action and judgment, outside influence and intuition, between the chaotic mind chatter and the whispers of truth.

Self-Mastery and Conscious Luminary

To understand self-mastery, Conscious Luminaries must allow an almost alchemical process to occur where the old self dies, and the new self transforms through deep introspection, contemplation, and concentration.

Stepping into a Conscious Luminary requires the gift of pause, to reflect and yet continually pivot during life's extremities.It requires the test to discern the truth from the illusion of who we think we are at the surface. Above all, being a Conscious Luminary, one must spend a lifetime closing the gap between how

they appear in the world and who they truly are.

The Science Behind Change Our Mind

Every time we have a thought, different areas of our brain surge with electrical currents and release hundreds of neurochemicals. Through advanced brain scanning technology, we can now see that every thought and experience causes neuronsto connect and disconnect, like a superhighway, in ever-changing patterns and sequences. Neuroplasticity,which is our natural abilityto learn new knowledge and have new experiences, develops new networks or circuits of neurons that change our minds.

Conscious Luminaries do not indulge in recycling experiences that don't feel good and succumb to old programming. Instead, they get comfortable in the discomfort and overcome their limitations by challenging themselves to reach new potentials.

How to overcome obstacles during rapid transformations?

One of the greatest tragedies plaguing the world is our inability to reach an awakened state of consciousness. However, all unforeseen circumstances allow us to wake up and move into sovereignty with our own health, mind, and well-being.

When we embody a Conscious Luminary, we create a blueprint, structure, and foundation for those we influence. We transform old patterns by discerning our struggles, disappointments, and fears by integrating different mindfulness practices such as meditation. Transformation awakens consciousness, and choosing to either engage or not engage in negative thoughts becomes an option, not simply a default setting. Discernment is the opposite of denial.

The leaders who tend to prevail during unforeseen circumstances are the ones who embrace the mindfulness movement and provide opportunities for their teams to grow from the inside out. This is becoming a Conscious Luminary, a conscious leader.

Conscious Leaders can give the gift of pause to every employee because they know the supernatural effects of their mindfulness practices. Once more, being a beacon of light by supporting customers is another byproduct of mindfulness. Being a lighthouse means all can see your illumination and feel comfortable in this difficult and uncertain time.

Change from the inside out

The dramatic changes can provide an opening for inner self-work and movement. Going within to reflect and reset into a new, more awakened person is the blessing being bestowed on us.

Ask people in your organization what's important to them. Leaders play an important role in creating a healthy work culture by supporting employees to explore their life's purpose and tap their gifts fully. Organizations that embrace this philosophy empower employees to nourish their inner selves and work towards personal and professionally meaningful goals.

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